unstructurally structural

The unstructurally structural ramblings of a South African Engineering student on exchange in Ghent, Belgium

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Comparing SA and Belgium...

This post will be in English so my foreign friends will also understand J So what I’m going to do now is compare some random things in Belgium to the same things in South Africa. I’ll work at an exchange rate of R10.50 for 1 euro, as this is mostly what the exchange rate is averaging at the moment. Here we go:

Grocery prices

Bread: in SA we will pay about R7 to R11 depending on the type of bread bought, where R7 is for the basic normal white bread and R11 is for healthy bread. In Belgium I pay 1.75 euro (R18.38) for white bread. The quality of the white bread is much better though, so it’s not so bad to pay that amount.

Tuna: in South Africa a 200g can of tuna would cost you R7 to R10 – in Belgium I paid 1.99 euro (R20.90), which is quite shocking… I haven’t bought any meat or chicken yet – I’m too scared to look at the prices!

Coca-Cola: 1.5 litres will cost you about R9 to R11 in SA, PLUS deposit, here in Belgium I pay 1.69 euro (R17.75) for the same amount, without deposit.

Muesli, mayonnaise, orange juice, milk and other basics are more or less the same, but you can find some really cheap brands if you know where to go… and if you don’t mind the lower quality.

Beer: In SA you will typically pay about R11 to R17 for a normal Castle or Black Label (330 to 500 ml) – except in Aandklas on Thursdays when draughts go for about R12 each (I might be wrong on this one). In 
Belgium the cheapest beer is about 2 euro (R21) for a glass, as in 250 ml, and then it is the light stuff like Maes or Stella Artois. The other stronger beer (thus more alcohol), like Duvel (I think it’s going on 8% alcohol, might be wrong though), cost about 3 to 3.50 euro (R31.5 to R36.75).

Stronger Liquor: SA IS WAY CHEAPER L which means I’m drinking beer while I’m in Belgium…

Sms: in SA a sms after 8pm is 35c and before 8pm is about 80c, an international sms is about R2.50, but I’m not sure what calls cost… in Belgium a sms is 8 euro cent (84c) all day, but if you recharge with 15 euro (R157.50) per month you get 5000 free local smses. International smses cost about 50 euro cent (R5.25). I don’t really use 3G here, as I find it to be quite expensive, I also don’t call people.

Petrol and diesel

Petrol and diesel go at about somewhere between 1.60 and 1.80 euro per litre (R16.80 to R18.90), while in SA we pay about R10 to R12 a litre (I have no idea what the petrol price is in SA at the moment, but R12 is still quite expensive).

Clothing and shoe prices (this is of high importance ;))

In South Africa you’ll pay about R80 (Mr Price) to R150 (Shoerama) for a pair of flat pumps. So far the cheapest basic version of pumps I could find (and I saw them in a really cheap shop) in Belgium was 20 euro (R210). Typical “cheap” shoe prices in Belgium are something in the line of 35 to 60 euro (R367.5 to R630). Not so cheap compared to SA… I would admit that sometimes the quality is a bit better though.
Clothing prices can’t really be compared as it sort of depends in which shops you buy.  I love buying stuff from H&M, their prices are comparable to Mr Price I would say (maybe a bit more expensive… like JayJays or Identity), but the quality and fit is much better – almost comparable to Woolworths.

People and manners

Men here are quite different. In Belgium they don’t really care about women being independent and making more money than them…  which I can say, from first-hand experience, in SA is not the case. They regard women as equal, so equal in fact that they don’t really open doors for them, because apparently some women here are offended by it. I’ve managed to find one Belgian guy who opened a door for me, one form New Zealand, one from Poland and one unknown guy, who I might have thanked a bit too enthusiastically.

Gossiping is going at more or less the same trend in Belgium, especially among the exchange students, because everyone sort of knows each other. Most of the European people I find to be very liberal, which I don’t mind, but compared to the (seemingly) conservative South Africans, it is something to get used to. Very few people I’ve met in Belgium are actually religious, they are mostly atheist or agnostic, and those who are Christian don’t really go to church anymore (as there are mostly strict Catholic churches here).


I’m not even going to go into that… but believe me, no country is without problems in this regard.

That’s it for now… Academics are picking up, so posts will be less frequent now J

Here are some random pics from the Binche carnaval:

Monday 20 February 2012

Party please! Problem?

So, ek het nogal ‘n eventful naweek gehad! Dit was nou vir jou prettig! Dit het begin Vrydagaand met speed dating by die Therminal (dis waar die ESN se headquarters is), daar het ek baie mense ontmoet! Aangesien daar heelwat meer meisies as ouens was het ek sommer met die girls geskakel. Dit was egter nie lank voor ons ander planne bedink het nie! Ek en Lieven (mens se dit Liewen, hier is “v” gelyk aan “w” en “w” gelyk aan die Engelse “double u” soos in “what” of “who”) het opgeteam en toe word dit nou eers interessant! Ons het sommer vinnig-vinnig vir Jacek (uitgespreek “Jat-sek”) betrek en lekker gelag vir my naam kaartjie, aangesien niemand my naam so lekker kon uitspreek of verstaan nie – ek was ‘n hele paar keer Johanna! Daarna is ons Twitch toe vir ‘n traffic light party – dra ‘n groen bandjie as jy single is, geel as dit complicated is en rooi as jy gevat is. Aangesien die mense hier se uitgaan kuiers eers so tussen 11 en 1 begin en die clubs en pubs eers 6h toemaak, was dit nogal ‘n laat aand (of vroeë oggend), maar so die moeite werd!

Saterdamiddag is ons Brugge toe, dis so uur met die trein se ry see se kant toe. Ons het ‘n toer gehad en baie foto’s geneem. Dit was baie mooi en interessant behalwe vir die reën wat later die pret so bietjie bederf het! Ons is terug Gent toe so teen 6h se kant en toe ek in my bed geval van moegheid!

Sondagmiddag is ons na ‘n karnaval in Aalst toe. Blykbaar hou die mense hier groot partytjie voor Lent begin en dis toe by dié partytjie waar ons opeindig. Die mense trek verskriklik awesome aan en die kostuums is in die fynste detail beplan en gemaak. Dit is regtig ‘n ongelooflike ervaring! Ek het BAIE cross dressers gesien… dit het my nogal laat wonder hoeveel van die mans eintlik nog altyd graag high heels en leggings wou gedra het! Hier het ek, Silke, Brecht en Hugo sommer gou vir ons ‘n paar maskers op die sypaadjie aanmekaar geslaan en daar is ons toe weg om die vlotte te gaan bekyk en die pubs in te vaar. In die pubs was die mense maar redelik flou en ek en Brecht besluit toe om die partytjie bietjie aan die gang te kry deur snaakse dans moves te gooi in die middel van die pub – ons het nogal ‘n paar aanhangers gekry daar! Toe die partytjie nie wou lewe kry nie is ons huis toe. Gelukkig is vandag en môre vakansiedae en het niemand klas nie so almal kan lekker herstel van die naweek se bedrywighede! Môre is ons oppad Binche toe vir nog ‘n karnaval!

FOTO'S; Bo v.l.n.r: Lieven en Abdul van ESN; Jacek in Brugge; Brecht, Silke, ek en Hugo in ons "costumes" in Aalst.
Onder v.l.n.r: Lieven en ek in Brugge; Ek en Johann (van SA) in Brugge; Een van die deelnemers aan die vlotoptog in Aalst - kyk daai costume!

Video van dansende kersbome! HAHAHAHA

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Eerste klas

Vir die wat wonder... klasse in Gent is nie veel anders as klasse in Stellenbosch nie... behalwe dat dit soos 2 ure langer is! Ek het gister my eerste klas hier gehad. Aangesien ek net een vak neem (Duurzaamheid van materialen en construkties - Sustainability of materials and structures), het ek net een keer 'n week klas vir 3 ure. Die eerste klas was redelik straight forward, het 'n bietjie hersiening gedoen van 'n vak wat ek in my 2de jaar voorgraads gedoen het. Dit was lekker om weer my geheue daaroor te verfris, aangesien dit daai tyd al een van my gunstelinge was. My tesis het ook al aan die gang gekom en trek nou al by 3 bladsye... hahaha!

Hierdie week is ietwat van 'n sosiale week. Dit is die eerste week van die nuwe semester en staan bekend as "Welcome week" vir die van ons wat nuut is hier. Die ESN (Erasmus student network - erasmus is soos uitruil in Europa) het vir elke dag 'n aktiwiteit gereel. Vanaand is daar pub night en karaoke... ek is ongelukkig in die bed met keelseer en dis reenerig buite. Plus ek moet my kragte spaar vir Vrydagaand se speed dating en traffic light party! Ons was laas Vrydag op 'n toer saam met ESN in Gent. Dit was lekker en interessant (foto's onder)! Was ook Vrydagaand vir die eerste keer uit gewees! Dit was 'n belewenis, maar ons moes die aand 2h eindig aangesien ons die bus huistoe moes vang. Dit was vrek koud, maar teen 2h het ons dit nie eers meer agtergekom nie! Seker maar al die Duvels (bier) en shots (onbekend presies wat daarin was) wat ons ingehad het!

Links: St Baafs Katedraal, Middel: Jacob van Artevelde wat in die rigting van Engeland wys, Regs: Random huis.

Monday 6 February 2012

First days in Ghent

Last week I got on my 18 hour flight to Belgium. The flight was okay even though I struggled to sleep. After landing in Brussels I took the train to Ghent. Vicky, one of my housemates from Greece, met me at the train station, which was good, cause I would have gotten so lost! The airline left my bag somewhere between Cape Town, Doha and Brussels, so I only got it on Saturday, which was a good thing since it would've been quite a mission to hull around 23 kgs from tram to bus to house in fresh snow!

At the house I met my landlady, Bettina - who is really cool, her daughter, Amber, and the rest of my housemates: Vicky and Angela from Greece, Elina from Belgium and Lorna from Scotland. We all get along really well! There is also a dog and a cat in the house, which is really awesome and they're really cute!

Julian, the cat
Lanou, the dog

So today I decided to do registration and find a bank and a medical aid to apply to. Got lost quite a few times, but found my way back again! Plus at least I got some awesome pictures (more on Facebook)!

Bijschrift toevoegen
Picture taken while I was trying to figure out where  I am!

I thought I will struggle with the cold, but I must say it's not as bad as I thought. I think I've felt colder in the South African winter at 15 degrees than I felt today at 1 degree!